"Ra.. Kamu mau kemana?" tanya Mamaku saat melihatku berlari keluar rumah. "Aku mau ke Eiffel dulu ya Mah!" jawabku sambil terus berlari. Aku udah gak peduli sama siapapun yang manggil aku, aku mau cepet ketemu sama Doni. Sesampainya di sana Eiffel masih kelihatan sepi karena masih terlalu pagi untuk orang-orang datang ke Eiffel. "Untunglah gak terlalu rame jadi aku gak terlalu susah untuk nemuin Doni " kataku sambil tersenyum sendiri. "Aku udah sampe Don, kamu di mana?" Aku memutuskan untuk mengirim sms ke Doni. "Iya sebentar lagi aku sampe" jawabnya. "Aduh.. Nanti kalo ketemu dia aku ngomong apa? Aku kan udah lama gak ketemu sama dia?" kataku panik. "Ah bodo amat ah.. Kaya biasa aja.. Tenang Ra.. Tenang" kataku menenangkan diriku sendiri.
"Everything we do is right, even when it's wrong. There's always a lesson to be learned" -Till We Meet Again
Jumat, 08 April 2011
Jumat, 01 April 2011
About You :(
I'm confused ..
With feelings of my heart. I've let go of you, but why if seeing something that had anything to do with you, I'm such a weak person, someone who can not give up something that should have been long I Relax. Honestly, I'm sad .. I still have feelings of sadness every time remember the incident, although I tried hard to not sad, but every time you listen to a troubled track, I always remember your face. You certainly do not care what I feel, I know you keep your girlfriend feeling, I know that .. You also need not pretend to care about me because it would be far more painful than anything.
But ..
I still congratulate you, because you've managed to keep the feelings of your girlfriend till this moment, I salute to you.
It's for the last time I say I love you, and for the first time I say I hate you ..
Thanks for this same concern I've ..
With feelings of my heart. I've let go of you, but why if seeing something that had anything to do with you, I'm such a weak person, someone who can not give up something that should have been long I Relax. Honestly, I'm sad .. I still have feelings of sadness every time remember the incident, although I tried hard to not sad, but every time you listen to a troubled track, I always remember your face. You certainly do not care what I feel, I know you keep your girlfriend feeling, I know that .. You also need not pretend to care about me because it would be far more painful than anything.
But ..
I still congratulate you, because you've managed to keep the feelings of your girlfriend till this moment, I salute to you.
It's for the last time I say I love you, and for the first time I say I hate you ..
Thanks for this same concern I've ..
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